Due to my allergy shots I feel like my environmental allergies have been greatly reduced though I haven't been retested. I just feel great when I'm outside, I feel comfortable at parks, on trails and in the garden. I don't get sneezy, congested or itchy. The only time I need to be careful is to not expose skin that currently has steroid cream to the sun and if I'm covered in lotion try not to be where dirt is blowing around or else it will stick on me and get itchy. Even sweaty activity feels ok, as long as there is a breeze so I don't stay sweaty. I think outdoor exposure helps me stay calm too. Well environment feels great but I still have some contact dermatitis, like I could never wear wool and some upholstery is too itchy to sit on.
So, right now the biggest problem is food. I get an itchy face after most meals, though it was worse before the shots. Unfortunately, there are no shots for food allergies. I don't know why or how the mechanics behind it would be different?
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